Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Advocare Day 3

Day 3.

This is what the Citrus Fiber Drink looks like before you add water.

This is the Citrus Fiber Drink after you add 9oz of water (stick with the 9oz of water!!!)
And this is what you look like after you drink it.
Today I cheated and got on the scale again.  So far I'm down 3 pounds even.  I was hoping to be down at least 5 by now, but the looming Aunt Flo is affecting things I think.  I was able to sleep last night and OMG that was nice.  I was exhausted from my spark deficit yesterday, and so I was good and tired when I fell asleep.  Woke up and headed straight for the bathroom. LOL!  Healthy poop x 2 today!

I'm not feeling like I'm starving.  I think a lot of people assume the cleanse phase is super calorie restrictive.  Seriously it's not.  Between the Spark which helps with appetite, and the TONS of fruits and veggies and protein, you can't be hungry.  What you have are cravings.  However, for me, my cravings are not there.  I'm about to get my Aunt Flo visit, and I don't crave chocolate, or salt.  I'm good.  It's awesome! 

I read in another blog about the challenge that day 2 was hard...and it was.  Day 3 so far has been great!  I feel good, I took the stairs at work today, and I'm looking forward to going home and working around the house.  ENERGY!  I love it!  I even swung my kettlebell for a little whilte.

Pre-Breakfast:  Today I had a full Spark in the morning, however, this time I mixed it with 24oz of water, and drank it over about a 45 minute period.  MUCH BETTER!  Seriously, the Mango Strawberry are soooo good!  Watermelon is okay (definitely has a vitamin-y taste), but definitely into that Mango Strawberry.  I'll definitely be buying this again just to have for day to day life. 

Breakfast:  For breakfast I had the Chocolate Mocha meal replacement shake blended with ice and water again.  I'm starting to feel like these are toooooo sweet!  Not a natural sweet like with fruit.  The taste overall is really pleasing to me, and they fill me up for sure.  Love that coffee flavor. 

Snack:  Snack #1 was a bag of frozen edamame pods sprinkled with salt.  THIS IS SOOO GOOD!
It takes a long time to eat it, and it's soooo yummy!

Pre-Lunch:  Spark number 2 mixed with 24oz of water again.  So perfect.  This time I had watermelon as I shared my other Mango Strawberry one with a coworker to try it. This second one lasted me from noon to 3pm and really was just enough to keep me going and focused.  So much better than yesterday.

Lunch:  100% Whole wheat pita thin, with 1 peeled cucumber, and tomato stuffed in it.  Arugula salad with lime juice.

Snack:  I pretty much skipped snack because eating lunch took me about 2 hours.  It was a lot of arugula! LOL! 

Dinner:  Dinner was pretty much a hot mess.  My hubby and a friend have been working to replace the water heater which is located in my sons bedroom closet, and so his whole room is gutted, we didn't have hot water for 2 days, and my house is a construction zone.  Well they finally got the new water heater in, and filled about 6:30pm, so I was running around boiling water for baths and starting laundry and trying to get stuff ready for the next day.  I ended up having plain black rice, black beans, and ground turkey mixed together with Sriracha on it.  This was so good, and I didn't finish it until about 8:30pm, and at that point, couldn't eat anything else for the day because I had fasting bloodwork scheduled for the next morning. 
Poop:  Took a poop.  It was amazing.  It was so amazing, I literally sat down, and basked in the glory of how great I felt.  I didn't feel stopped up before or anything, but the cleanse, is helping immensely! 

Snack:  Nada

Bedtime:  Herbal Cleanse pills.  Down the hatch!  Slept like a champ!

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