Monday, April 14, 2014

Advocare Day 9

Day 9 (but sort of day 8).

Woke up and weighed myself this morning.  I am down 8 pounds!  I am down 1.4 pounds since Friday.  I am so glad I was still able to lose after this weekend, though I don't know why I worried because I didn't go all balls out, and quite frankly, I did a ton of standing and walking.

I've drank at least 5 bottles of water today.  32 oz bottles of water.  I couldn't get enough water in me while we were out of town, so it was awesome to just chug-a-lug all day...

One thing I've been thinking about is how much I miss my coffee...I read the packet again, and it doesn't appear in the avoid list, or the moderation list.  I figure why can't I have one or two cups a day with a non-dairy natural creamer like coconut milk or something?  We will see.  So far, I'm seeing great success, and feel like I can stick with this clean eating in the long run, and my energy is okay even without the Spark because I'm not eating crappy food all day...

Pre-Breakfast:  Half a Spark mixed with 24 ounces of water that I'll be sipping on throughout the day.  I love that it gives me some focus, and some energy, but it's too much for me I think.  The increased energy has started to give me anxiety, and after the full-blown panic attack I had last Thursday, there is no f-ing way I'm drinking a whole Spark again anytime soon.  Also took a Probiotic, followed with the not-so-delicious Citrus Fiber Drink. Mmm Mmm BLEGH!

Breakfast:  Blended meal replacement shake.  I seriously love these.  Wish they were a tad less sweet, but thinking in the long run, they would be awesome mixed with black coffee instead of water.

Snack:  Grapes and strawberries and baby carrots.

Pre-Lunch:  NA

Lunch:  Baked chicken breast and tomato and arugula salad with vinaigrette with 2 hard-boiled eggs and a peeled and sliced cucumber.

Snack:  Just grazed on the strawberries and grapes that were in the fridge.

Dinner:  Leftover chicken breast with mashed sweet potato (no additions), Normandy veggies (broccoli, cauli, green and yellow squashes, and carrots).  It was deelish!

Snack:  Banana and strawberries and peanut butter.

Bedtime:  Herbal Cleanse pills.

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