This is part two to the 25 Things post I put up a few days ago. The idea is to list the ways I use food for something other than fuel. We all do it, some more than others, some less. I think even the healthiest of people use food for something other than fuel. We use it because we are hungry, lonely, depressed, happy, mad, bored, empty, shy, name it, someone has eaten food because of it.
For me, I've always had a multitude of these issues...I can remember being young and always saying, "I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored". No matter what was suggested to me, I was still "bored". So I would eat. I would snack on whatever random stuff I could find. A can of peas (gross right?), a favorite was a slice of white bread with cheddar cheese put in the microwave (so gummo!), and sometimes something like a can of olives. I don't even know.
I'm sure some of you are wondering why I would even consider posting this type of information publicly. Well, the whole idea of my blog is to better myself, and if I can help even one other person feel like someone out there "get's it", then I have done something right. I'm trying to keep myself motivated and honest too, so I need to make sure I'm working on figuring out why I allowed myself to gain all this weight, and what I'm going to do to make sure it doesn't all come back. So I'm going to put this list together, and try to find a way to deal with these in another way aside from eating:
low self esteem
To feel satisfied
To feel like I have something in common with someone else
Now, how to deal with this...?