What was I thinking signing up for this?
In just 4 days I'll be walking 2 miles in the Truffle Shuffle. In this local event, you can run 2 miles or 4 miles or walk 2 miles, and at the end they give you a truffle. One might think that a truffle is my motivation here, but this seemed like a great start to a years worth of 5k's. Now granted I've not been following the traditional 5k training program like the C25K. One week after I complete this 2 mile walk, I'll be doing my first real 5k. I'm nervous. I'm nowhere close to being in as good of shape as I should be for this but I am still going to do it. As I've said before, even if I come in dead last, pulling myself over the finish line with my chin, I'm still going to do it. Today I did some walking before I ate lunch and my ankle was killing me. I have to make sure I spend a good 10-15 minutes warming up then stretching before I walk.
Anxiety and Self Image...
I have a lot of anxiety about these two events because when I walk at the mall, I see myself in all those windows and I'm like, Oh my God. I can't believe myself. It's disgusting. A friend that is walking the walk with me basically told me that I'm seeing myself differently than others see me, which was so sweet. I know that's probably true, and we are our own biggest critics. I know this is something I need to work on, and hopefully over time, I can learn to have a healthier self-image. I know I am big. I am huge. I don't deny it. But dammit, I'm working on it and it's not easy. But I know people see my size, and I don't just want to be the fat funny friend forever. I want to be the sporty, fun mom/wife/friend that is always doing fun outdoorsy stuff, and out there kicking the soccer ball with my kiddo, and dammit, I want to race BMX bikes with my family because I think it would be FUN!!!
In an earlier post, I had talked about the book about Paleo I had purchased online called Practical Paleo. I've read through most of it, and it's awesome. It comes with about 8 tear out pages you can use to take grocery shopping, and keep in the kitchen to help you know what you can and can't have while following the paleo plan. The book also has 30 day menus for a variety of problems you are trying to solve such as fat loss, cancer recovery, and heart health. I've been slowly making changes toward this, such as buying less processed foods, etc. however I feel like I want to follow it more and more. I know this is something that means I will need to quit eating pizza (went to pizza tonight and only ate 2 pieces....this is a victory for me because pizza is one of my weaknesses!) entirely, as well as rice, pasta, bread, etc. My hubby really wants to follow this with me (we've talked about this type of eating for years) but I know he can't give up his PB&J's every day, and I know he loves chips and cereal and sweets. I think he mostly likes the idea of eating this way, and then the bacon and steaks, etc. that are part of it. LOL. Men...