Saturday, February 16, 2013

I finished my first 5k today!

Here I am at the starting line for my very first 5k.  I was so excited this week, then last night started getting really nervous.  I was scared I would be in last place, or that I wouldn't be able to complete it because my ankles or foot.  I had hubby drop me off, then told him when to be back.  I made sure I stretched, and had my iPod ready to go.  A nice lady took this picture for me:

The event started and we were off.  The best part was that it was a flat neighborhood.  The course was 1.5 miles and you went through it twice.  I decided I was going to try to have fun with it and take pictures of the distance markers along the way:

Made it to the first mile.  All right then! I was feeling okay, but could start feeling my ankle throb and my other foot starting to hurt.  I kept on going, but gotta tell you it was about the next half mile, that things really went down hill for me...

At about the 1.5 mile mark, I started getting passed by runners...that were still running.  I was horrified.  I felt so ashamed of myself.  My shame comes from me allowing myself to get so fat, that I can't walk a mile and a half faster than someone can run twice that distance.  I kept going, taking little breaks to try and stretch my ankles and back, but just saw myself getting farther and farther behind.  As I was approaching the end of my first "lap", I started to cry.  Yes, I cried.  I was horrified that I was only going to be starting the second half of the event, when everyone else was finishing.  I was convinced I was in dead last.  

I went past the finish to keep going, sending texts to my best friend and my husband both to whine about being last and that I didn't think I would be able to finish. I have to put in here, that my bestie was being awesome.  She kept telling me to ignore everyone else, that I was doing this for me, and to keep going no matter what.  She rocks!  Then I noticed the family that was in front of me either didn't know they still had an entire lap to go, or they didn't care.  They didn't finish.  I kept going.  Nobody paid any attention to me.  As I was getting to the 2 mile marker, the van came by to pick up the mile signs.  Luckily they spray-painted the marker on the ground:

I kept going.  It was just past this point that my husband drove up and asked me if I still wanted him to take me home.  I told him I wanted to finish it.  I told him to meet me at the park.  He drove off and I kept walking.  Off and on from the start I would jog in short bursts.  Usually a distance of about 30 feet or so. I must have jogged about six times total.  I still felt like crying a bit.  Another runner would pass.  A man who was doing yardwork told me I was in first place since there wasn't anyone else around.  I think he thought he was being nice, but I was a little bit annoyed.  Then he told me good job, so I thanked him and kept going.  As I turned the corner going into the last long straight, I was trying to figure out where my last turn was, and kept on going.  I kept hoping the next turn was mine, but it never was.  Then I noticed my husband and little guy running up to me.  They found me and walked the last 3/4 mile with me.  I almost forgot to take the picture of the 3 mile marker, but sent husband back to do it for me:

Aren't the numbers fun?  I love how they are each slightly different...anyway.  Back to my journey.  We passed the 3 mile mark, then it was the last tiny bit to the finish line.  This is where it begins to get depressing again...yes, I was in dead last (of those people that decided to actually finish the event), and I saw there wasn't anyone out there to mark my time.  This means there wasn't anyone out there to take my race slip.  All I had was my husband and kiddo.  Which is really all I need, but for my very first event, it would have been nice to have at least gotten an official "witness" for my finish. So here I am crossing the finish line:

I went inside where they were having the race drawings, and found someone to give my slip to.  I asked her if I could give her my slip.  She asks, "you didn't get it to anyone?" and I told her I just finished.  She gave me a look that I can't even describe (again, I thought I was going to cry or die), and I told her there wasn't anyone outside to give it to when I got there.  She told me she was sorry and would give it to someone.  Last I saw was her talking to a guy at a computer, and I decided I couldn't take much more.  I wanted to get home NOW.  I was done feeling humiliated for the day.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm so proud of myself for doing it, and I'm still going to do another one next month (which I have a better chance of at least not crossing the finish line last since it's a 5k/10k event).  After I had lunch, showered, and had relaxed a little, I decided to send an email to the event coordinator with my time.  I also gave him a short comment about maybe next time they could send someone around the course one more time in a van or something to make sure there isn't anyone else out there.  It's really discouraging that there wasn't anyone there to finalize it for me. I'll probably not get a response, but I just had to get it out.  I wanted my score recorded somewhere.

This was my journey for my first 5k.  I know each one I complete will get easier and easier, and maybe someday, I'll be the person who can run the whole thing. I'm not going to let this beat me.

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