Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kids fundraiser 6k!

Today I did a fundraiser 6k with a friend.  This was my longest event so far.  We got to walk along the river for the entire event, which was awesome.  It was mostly shaded, and we got sweet red capes with our entry fee since they were calling us heroes for the kids we were walking for.  Our number bibs all had a name and age of a kid in our county who was going to benefit from it.  I had a teenager and that was super awesome because that is the age group I especially want to work with someday.

This is me right before I started:

Off we went when the whistle was blown.  I was feeling really good after weighing in yesterday and having lost another 5 pounds.  We were going nice and easy since it was a little farther than I was used to.  Slowly but surely we were in the back.  I know this is because of me...and it super bums me out.  I just can't walk that fast yet.  My right ankle cramps up really bad, no matter how much stretching, and that stupid left foot is constantly aching.  

The 1 mile marker had a picture of a kiddo:

Thankfully it was mostly shaded, as it was set to be a pretty warm day.  Probably the warmest day I've walked an event.  After this first mile, the markers were getting a little generic.  Gotta love sidewalk chalk.

Between mile 2 and mile 3 some sweet person put this motivator:

Oh, I wasn't going to quit.  Even my dear friend after I apologized for being a super whiny bitch, told me that she thought I complained a lot less this time than the previous event, LOL!

Oh mile 3!  I was so happy to see you, knowing I had just over a half mile left was such a good feeling, though I knew my pace this event was terrible compared to past events.  I can't figure out why.  I am constantly losing weight, I'm doing an event each month, riding exercise bike most nights of the week, and even trying to move more in general.  So why is my pace getting longer?

Ah, the finish line!  So glad to see it!
Sorry about the backwards finish picture...The wind blows the flags, 
and this is what I get:

Yep we did it.  My official time on the records is 1 hour, 27 minutes, and 43 seconds. 
We again, encountered some cheaters.  They got 30 feet to the finish line, then chose to not even go through it.  Rude!  Oh well, I know I finished it, and they know they are I can be more proud of myself than them.
Kristine did an amazing job too.  She's a good walking partner!  I'm definitely going to get her to more of these events...I'm already signed up for the next one...
only 7 more events to go!

10 Months Post Op

It's been a long time since I've updated.  A lot has happened and not much has happened all at the same time.  I'm at 243 pounds...