Saturday, October 12, 2013

Susan G Komen Race for the Cure

Well folks, I brought my big ass back out of 5k retirement and walked the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure last weekend.  My friend Leslie and I decided to join a team (local radio personalities) and walk the event.  We got cute pink shirts with the team name on the front, and on the back it had the list of team members.  It was pretty cool to be a part of that.  
Here we are in the photo booth before we started walking:
I have to say, I was on board for this walk from the beginning.  Amazing cause.  Amazing people.  It's emotional.  It touches home for me.  I had a great pal to do the walk with.  I was, however, a bit nervous since I hadn't walked an event since the Moonlight 5 (mi) that I did on June 1.  That was a hard one.  
So when I got there, it was an amazing sight.  There had to have been at least 2000 people there to walk the event.  There were survivors, people currently fighting the battle, people walking in a loved ones memory, and people that just wanted to support the cause.
I thoroughly enjoyed the route, and the company was great, and there were so many people walking, that for once, I wasn't in dead last.  It didn't matter to me.  I walked it easier than any of the other events, only having to stop once or twice because I was pushing myself a little harder than I needed to, and for a quick potty/wardrobe pit-stop for Leslie.  
Here I am walking the walk:
As you can see it was a GORGEOUS day to walk the pink walk.  Everyone was in good spirits, there were people all dressed up in their feather boa's, tutu's, and crazy socks!  Leslie and I keep telling each other we are going to make some crazy gear to wear to our events, and for some reason, we haven't done it yet...that will for sure change!  This time next year I want to be able to jog a full 5k.  I'm going to start the C25K program for treadmills, since Winter is upon us and I won't be doing much walking in the pouring rain and freezing cold.  I'll try to keep you updated on that program.
Here is Ms. Leslie and I together during the walk.  Both bright smiling faces!
Keep an eye out for my next adventure...BMX riding???

10 Months Post Op

It's been a long time since I've updated.  A lot has happened and not much has happened all at the same time.  I'm at 243 pounds...